Monday, July 18, 2011

Telepathic Shoplifters

I'm in a dark Future Shop (think Best Buy or whatever electronic box store is in your area). It was dark like the Michael Keaton Batman movie. I was shopping there with my friend Mori, he was on one aisle and I on another. I see a big beautiful flat screen, the very one he has at home (in real life). I want it. Through telepathy I tell him I'm stealing it and for him to cover me. He does and we get out of the store.

Later I learn the police tracked where we lived and went to Mori's home first and saw that Mori had the same TV that was stolen. He was arrested and went to jail for four years. Talking with him through telepathy I thank him for not ratting me out. He responded "You're welcome, but... I'M NOT THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE IN HERE!!" "I know, you are such a good friend, thanks man." I replied.

Sweet dreams.

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